I am having a strange issue with Dawn of War Dark Crusade. My friends and I have been getting together occasionally for months now to play this game and have had no issues via lan play. I setup the game on my pc (XP) and one of my friends jumps in on my wife's pc (XP) and another friend of mine uses his laptop (XP). My wife recently got a new pc (Vista), and now only one or the other can connect when I create a game for lan play. We are all running the same version of the game but once one of the pc's connects to the game, the other one gets a message stating that they were refused by the host. So if the only thing that has changed is the OS of one of the machines, it stands to reason that I am missing a setting in Vista to allow both machines to connect to the game. Anyone offer any help on this?
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic … mp;t=73792
Teaser video agency
Thank you